Friday, October 25, 2013

Green Apprentice Logo Winners!

Here are the two winning logo designs! Joe O's creation is the third grade winner (top) - and Julia C's design won for grade 4!  Students from the third grade selected their top 3 logos from grade 4, while students from the fourth grade selected their top 3 logos from grade 3. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Thanks to Mrs. Kraus - for working with the 3rd and 4th grade students to design logos for the Green Apprentice!

The 3rd grade students will vote on the best of the 4th grade logos - and the 4th grade students will vote on the best 3rd grade logos. (It's better to have two designs, don't you think?)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Columbus Day Weekend

 Saturday, October 12 started off crisp, then turned into a quintessential "nice day". Bob Onosko was the expert on site today to prepare the end walls of the greenhouse.

As we built the bottom frame to hold the "wiggle wire" my thought turned to viewing Wojnar Greenhouses in Saunderstown. The greenhouses are tethered from the center bar around large fish barrels filled with water. The water collects radiant heat during the day and also provides weight when the wind kicks up.

File that thought under - one more thing I didn't consider.

Talking with Lew - discovered that those black plastic plant trays that are a staple of garden centers - in a high wind, slice the plastic of the greenhouse walls.

Next steps... build the frame for the storm door (purchased and on-site) Duct tape the top brackets along center beam. Shrink wrap end walls and stretch the plastic over the top.
The last photos are from Wojnar Greenhouses.

Do I stretch the plastic for November? Or do I wait until spring? 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Logo Designs

Logo Design Basics & Planning
Mrs. Kraus has been working with 3rd and 4th graders in designing a logo for "The Green Apprentice". 

When finished - students will view the logos and vote about which design should be used. 

Can't wait to see the final drafts!

(Scroll down to see the photos - and I wish someone could show me how to format this blog so I can see the photos side by side)